Heart-n-Soul started as just another pipe-dream of business endeavors two “best cousins” came up with when we were 12 and 13 years old. This plan, in particular, happened while on vacation with their grandmothers in Eureka Springs, AR to see "The Great Passion Play". After seeing a house for sale, painted white with pink gingerbread trim and heart accents, Amber & Sarah decided they were going to move there, buy it, and start a bed & breakfast named “Heart-n-Soul”.
In 1999, at the age of 16, Amber was tragically killed by a drunk driver. In 2012, Heart-n-Soul was the inspiration for Sarah to start a photography and design business, but almost immediately knew that was not God's plan for her. Other business opportunities arose and she followed them, but always knew there was more and would one day figure out what was to become of Heart-n-Soul.
Finally, in 2018, it made sense. Heart-n-Soul was never supposed to be a business, but simply a way of life! A life of service to others with the same spirit, love, and dedication that they had in so many aspects of their childhood together. Sarah teamed up with Amber’s mom, Lanna, to form this advocacy group to advocate for non-profits and take action to better others’ lives.
We are all now the Heart, and Amber and all our angels are the Soul!
There is no honor in doing the wrong thing for the right reason, just as there is no honor in doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. God lets us know in our hearts what we are supposed to do; we just have to listen and have the courage to not worry about what others might think. In the words of Mother Teresa, "Do It Anyway".
“Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.”
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton
"I believe song has been, and continues to be a portal of communication between Amber and I. Therefore, songs from our childhood are now my source of inspiration for Heart-n-Soul's missions." - Sarah Ruth Honza

In Loving Memory of Amber Renée Almand
July 25, 1982 - July 1, 1999
Created By Sarah Ruth Honza