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 Recap & Reset 2020

2019-2020 was challenging as the pandemic hit just before our scheduled fundraiser. However, we still found ways to help.

Saturday, July 25, we once again celebrated Amber's birthday and with that our yearly "recap and reset".

No better way to celebrate her life, than to see the good she has inspired!


HnS has decided to not have a direct financial recipient for 2020-2021. In the midst of the uncertain times we are in, we are approaching this year "with arms wide open" and finding a number of ways to help out the community and a number of non-profits.  Therefore our main mission this year is several mini missions (we have a few in the works already).

View our current mission for more details.


Our 2019-2020 financial recipient was, Ally's Wish. We only had a couple hundred dollars in donations prior to our scheduled "Just to See You Smile" Memories 4 Memories Photography Event. However, this event was cancelled due to COVID-19 and reworked into a service event instead. Easter packets were delivered to over 70 kids with Easter goodies, including brown paper bags to decorate and return. Approximately 125 decorated brown bags were delivered to seniors and disabled persons in connection with Rockwall County Meals on Wheels program to boost spirits during the pandemic. Due to COVID, Ally's Wish annual gala was also reworked into an online Mother's Day Auction. HnS was able to donate items and help spread the word. They are able to raise over $30,000!


The Minga Crusaders' work continued in Quito, Ecuador. The project that was started on HnS mission trip in July of 2019, was completed by our project manager, German and all the staff at the Working Boys' Center. The house that we left as merely a work site, is now a safe and beautiful home for Luz and her family. An actual staircase, a shower, painted walls, and a secure roof over their heads. That trip will certainly live in our hearts 4-ever! If you haven't already, check out the daily journal.  



Thank you to everyone that participants and allows us to honor Amber's memory through service.

This was a hard year but we look forward to what God has leads us to this year.

Please send a message if you are interested in being a volunteer in the future.

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