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Donation Allocation - Final.JPG

 A total of $15,075 was donated to support The Working Boys' Center!


Thank you 4 your support!


Minga Building Materials - $6,000


Room, Board, & Transportation - $3,030

$65 per day/ per person (R&B) + $50 per person (Transportation)

((7 days x $65) + $50) x 6 people

(Bryan and I are not included in this number, as we will cover our own cost)


Additional, $1,010 was donated by Bryan & Sarah to cover their R&B.


WBC Dinner Program - $4,055


Working Boys' Center feeds approximately 200 family members 5 days a week - including breakfast, lunch, and dinner - that's almost 1,000 a day!  These donations ensure dinner meals for the 154 families for the entirety of the 2018-2019 year.


Cash to WBC - $980


As many items such as school supplies are paid directly out of pocket by staff and year-long volunteers, this money is to off-set those cost.Some funds were directed to the wonderful staff that took care of us during our stay, including the night cooks and bus driver.

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